In an effort to comply with government regulations our office hours have changed. We know that dental emergencies can happen in a moment's notice. We’re here to help.
Through our new teledentistry system, we are able to determine what treatment is appropriate and if it constitutes a true emergency office visit. If you or someone you know needs help and direction with a dental related issue, we are ready to help.
If you are an existing patient that has been seen in the last 12 months, simply fill out the teledentistry form and upload photos of the problem area.
If you are a new patient, please take the extra time to fill out the patient form, medical history, and teledentistry forms with pictures.
We are not able to accept Medicaid programs; however, if you are on Medicaid and have an emergency, please contact Third Street Family Health Services in Mansfield.
If you know you need emergency assistance, please call us immediately at 419-929-1544 and press option 1.